Ricky Mastro and Léon Diana met while working on 7 minutes, Ricky’s first film produced by the duo. While shooting, they realized that they wanted to make the same type of films. Moreover, they share the same goal: to bring to reality their stories through focus and hard work.
Five years passed by, and their creative collaboration became a way to make movies and a force for them to keep developing films and series.
They are writing a feature film, The Invisibles, produced by Lira Filmes that tells the story of four youngsters who had mother-child HIV transmission. It’s a coming-of-age story that takes place in São Paulo during the hottest summer ever recorded.
Ricky and Léon are also writing a new feature film that takes place in France and Italy: Giulia telling a story of a 70-year-old woman who transforms her grief into a creative force.